I’m sick right now.
Yesterday, my body continued fighting off a cold that started about 6 days ago and throughout yesterday, my body ached, my mind foggy, my chest infected with phlegm.
Today my mind feels sharper but yesterday, I felt unmotivated, unable to focus and I had (negative) thoughts like “am I being lazy?”. But I returned to the practice of self-compassion, telling myself that it’s normal when we are sick to not want to do much. In contrast to the years and years in which I “forced” my body to do things, when I wasn’t sensitive to listening to it, I rested. Also, it didn’t help that I had not gone to sleep until midnight the night before and had woken up the next morning at 6:30am, sleeping only 6.5 hours and upon reflection, the body likely needs more rest especially when fighting illness. No wonder I was tired throughout the day yesterday and took several naps.
On Sarah Bidaw’s Judge Demo
I was watching Juste Debout preliminaries yesterday (shout to my friend’s from Seattle for flying over to Paris and participating in the event).
Right now, I’m feeling motivated and inspired when watching seasoned dancers. In particular, this demo of Sarah Midaw I find particularly breathtaking. I have not met her but she recently showed up on my Instagram feed and I’ve seen her other friend’s videos; I imagine one day we’ll bump into one another her since the global house dance scene is both big and small. Anyways, what is it about the round I like so much?
- The clear distinction between sending energy up to energy down during footwork sequence – Didie taught us this concept 2 weeks ago at Juste Debout workshop and his workshop revealed to me what I could see but not comprehend in terms of how dancers send their energy up or down on the kick drum