Author: Matt Chung
A little bit of grief, a dose of sadness
Elliott is and continues to blossom into a beautiful little girl. Today, the two of us spent the afternoon playing with slime, drawing characters from the movie “Inside Out 2”, then I wrapped up the evening with reading her two children’s books that I had purchased for her, books that happen to revolve around a…
Stretching and Flexibility Log
I’m still feeling a little under the weather, my throat feeling a bit when swallowing, the discomfort starting Sunday evening when I got home from an event. I programmed my current block 6 weeks ago and today I’m on the second day, which focuses on hamstrings and quadriceps. I’m definitely pushing myself a bit with…
Created my first YouTube playlist for House Dance Class Recap videos
Creating YouTube Playlist on my channel serves multiple purposes. First, doing so in a way for me to practice my organization skills. Second, a playlist enables me to chronologically view my dance journey. Third, playlists help viewers (subscribers and non-subscribers) paint a better picture of what dance classes in studios look and feel like. Now,…
I ran out of iPhone storage … or so I thought
In the middle of recording a video during yesterday evening’s dance class, my iPhone popped up an alert, a message notifying me that I ran out of disk space and that the current video recording was halted. After seeing the notification, I had mentally prepared myself to visit the Apple store to trade in my…
On being liked: Being yourself vs betraying yourself. A four quadrant analysis
All the time, we all hear the following: “Just be yourself.” On the whole, I concede that these words form sage and sound advice. In fact, as someone who historically shaped shifted throughout his life in order to conform to social expectations, I mindfully practice being myself every day. The act of being oneself is…
Daily Review (Tuesday) October 15, 2024
Best part of my day yesterday was when Elliott handed me over a little drawing (see featured image above) that she drew with a pen and 8×11 printer paper that was folded in half. I felt joy wash over me and had asked her to what drawings on the card were: “That’s you. That’s me.…
The motivation to reflect and my 1:1 dance private reflection
Throughout my life, I’ve been described by others as a “go-getter”, someone who “gets things done”. While I appreciate both the positive feedback and while I am grateful in my ability to get shit done, one other area I’d like to devote more time and attention to is the act of reviewing — reflecting. Sometimes…
Dance week in review: Reflections
I am returning to the practice of writing up reviews and reflections. Sometimes daily. Sometimes weekly. The review itself is not the goal. In fact, the act of reflecting (for me) provides the most value. It’s a practice. Overview Bounce technique modification Seems like such a simple move: the bounce. However, because I tend to…
October 02, 2024 – Daily Review
Yesterday Highlights of the day Connected with some friends over phone calls Talking with friends over the phone almost always lifts my spirits. Over the years, through some tough life lessons (including divorce, burning out working at Amazon) that I no longer place all my eggs in one basket. I follow this mantra for multiple…
LIYVZ’s “lesson learned” as a female, black plus sized K-Pop singer
Liyvz, a K-Pop singer posted the video below on her Instagram page and I love love love the message that she shared and the story she shares exemplifies bravery and willingness to “be you” despite public criticism. Her willingness to practice authenticity is an attribute that I am not only striving for, but actively working…
U.S. friend visiting me in London: weekend reflection
My Seattle based dance friend named Mateus flew in Thursday evening and stayed at my flat (goodness I’m so British now) with me until Sunday morning, when he flew back and returned to the states. These past days, I felt a lot of joy and love and gratefulness. Now, I just rode the bus with…
Harry Mack on mastery, art of practicing, and flow state
I recently listened to a podcast episode by Harry Mack — a very gifted freestyle rap artist — named “Flow State” and I want to share a few key insights I took away regarding the art of practice. Though the discussion around his beliefs and advice revolve around freestyle rapping, I believe the principles can…
On restarting a meditation practice, reducing anxiousness, and overcoming sensitivity to other’s opinions
Today I meditated for an entire 20 minutes. For me, that’s a long time, as someone who struggles to still. Here’s what went down for today. The first 10 minutes was basically a paired muscle relaxation (PMR), tensing muscles (e.g. hamstring, glute, bicep) and releasing them, silently and mentally whispering the word “relax” to myself.…
Book reading progress update on “The first rule of mastery: Stop worrying about what people think of you”
I often do not finish reading books that I started. And generally speaking, while I do value completing what I start, I also practice self-compassion and most recently in adult life, deliberately and mindfully moving away from the behavior of “forcing” (or tricking) myself to do things that I don’t feel compelled to do. Fortunately,…
Daily Review: September 23, 2024 (Monday)
I’m struggling to type this out because right now, my intestines are inflamed due an irritable stomach caused by 5 trips to the toilet in the last couple hours yesterday evening. Though in severe pain, I am grateful right now that Elliott has returned to her mother’s care — Elliott alternates weekends between her mother…
Daily Review – September 22, 2024 (Sunday)
Initially woke up at 4:00am and felt it was a bit too early so gently put myself back to sleep with a couple deep breathes. It’s now 5:18am and feel much more fresh. I have about an hour and 45 minutes (maybe less) before Elliott wakes up. As a single dad who has his daughter…
Waking up from a nightmare at 4:00am
When I was a young boy, from about 5 to 13 years old, I used to dream horrible nightmares that would wake me up in the middle of the night. For those 7-8 childhood years, the nightmares themselves centered around Chucky the Doll (do not recommend), a film that I had accidentally watched (a family…
On Psychological Safe Spaces
The importance of psychologically safe dance spaces. Note: Although this blog post centers on psychologically safe spaces for dance studios, I think that that this concept more generally applies to other environments including the corporate world as well. This post is more of a stream of consciousness so bare with me here. I started my…
Daily Review – Thursday – September 19, 2024
Like many others walking this earth, I am currently in a state of transition. The divorce (which started last November) is almost coming to an end (won’t be diving into it here since the topic itself deserves its own post) and I’m finding myself constantly asking the following two questions: As Kit Laughlin shared in…
A simple solution to “Damn, I forgot to buy XYZ at the grocery store”
Ever find yourself frustrated that you forgot to pick up something from the grocery store? I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve experienced frustration when I returned home, after forgetting to pick up some item (e.g. ketchup), despite writing down the item on a sheet of paper that I ultimately forget is neatly…
Daily Review Sept 12, 2024
As mentioned in previous posts, I used to write up daily reviews for myself and stopped posting on my blog all together after I tried to convert this website into a “professional” website with the intention of building a pipeline of “followers.” To be clear: nothing is wrong with professional websites that are designed to…
House Dance Private with Ani
I took a private house dance lesson with Ani and below is a 30 second clip condensed version of our 1 hour private. I had originally reached out to her and asked for a private lesson after struggling in her House Beginner/Intermediate class. In particular, I fumbled with the pas de bourree torso isolation as…