A lined piece of paper that includes the last 3 weeks of what Waves of Focus calls an "honor guide"

Daily Review: September 23, 2024 (Monday)

I’m struggling to type this out because right now, my intestines are inflamed due an irritable stomach caused by 5 trips to the toilet in the last couple hours yesterday evening. Though in severe pain, I am grateful right now that Elliott has returned to her mother’s care — Elliott alternates weekends between her mother and — yesterday evening. I’m unsure what causes the back to back bowel movements. Was it under-cooked cookies? Was it accidentally touching raw meat (this has happened once before) because I recall my kitchen glove ripping in the midst of preparing the dogs food. Whatever it is, I’m in severe pain right now and practicing deep breathing. What’s surprising is that the pain increased beyond my threshold after I performed my stretching routine this morning; had my stomach been this upset when I first woke up, then there’s not a chance I would’ve been able spend almost an hour going through my flexibility routine.


  • Met up for a scheduled play date between Elliott and her (former) classmate – The girls played together (for about an hour) at a soft play. Elliott is becoming more and more independent and it’s bittersweet. I love playing with her AND I enjoy catching a break while she plays with her friends, allowing me to somewhat relax and just have an adult conversation with other parent(s)
  • Cooked Elliott lunch – she’s loves the taste bolognese pasta (literally she says “yummy”) so I keep a couple frozen tubs sitting in the freezer
  • Napped for an hour while Elliott watched a couple episodes of some show on Disney+
  • Watched Pokémon Episode 6 with Elliott before her mom picked her up


Given my current upset stomach, I’m going to take it easy on myself. I will actually try and head back to the flat after lunch and take a nap, which tends to help these infrequently stomach flare ups.

  • Visit my honor guide and step through some administrative tasks – Respond to divorce lawyers emails, respond to property management emails

Update: As of 11:00 am, my piecing stomach/intestine pains have subsided. I’ve also relocated from Prét a manger to the Starbucks next door, since the WiFi speeds are substantially better here (for now)