I just spotted the Squat University dude in a Kelly Starlet video

Rhetorical Device: Sequence

  1. After stretching my hamstring this morning, I was surprised when I experienced that the the intensity of IT band reduced
  2. I was perusing the stretch therapy forums, searching the word “IT band” and stumbled on this post
  3. Kit Laughlin said he spotted a video once with Kelly Starlet (a name I recognize, author of the “Supple Leopard”) and how there’s some video online that Kit had saw which he found valuable
  4. Another person posted a comment on the thread, providing a link to the YouTube video
  5. When I played a few seconds of it, I spotted another guy I thought I recognize on YouTube, the person who owns and runs Squat University
  6. I did a google Search of “Squat University Kelly Starrett” and landed on a Twitter post and learned that Kelly Starlet was hugely influential on his career
  7. Turns out that although Kelly Starrett is influencing to his work, the squat university dude is NOT the person in the video so I feel a little embarassed that I mixed up two Caucasian men