Tag: paxos

  • PAXOS made moderately complex – slots

    PAXOS made moderately complex – slots

    In the paper “PAXOS made moderately complex”, the authors introduce unfamiliar concepts not mentioned in the original PAXOS paper, concepts such as slots, slot in, slot out, and WINDOW. I found these concepts difficult to understand despite reading both the accompanying pseudo code as well as their Python implementation. This post aims to shed light…

  • PAXOS – I’m coming for you!

    PAXOS – I’m coming for you!

    I’m now half way through Distributed Computing course at Georgia Tech and us students are now tackling the penultimate project: building a replicated state machine using PAXOS. This project will be challenging (probably going to require 40+ hours) and it’ll put my theoretical knowledge to the test and reflect back, in a couple weeks, how…

  • Distributed Computing – Lesson 1 Summary

    Distributed Computing – Lesson 1 Summary

    Summary Distributed systems are everywhere: social media, internet of things, single server systems — all part of larger, distributed systems. But how do you define a distributed system? A distributed system is, according to Leslie Lamport (father of distributed computing), a system in which failure of some component (or node) impacts the larger system, rendering…

  • Spring 2021: Distributed Computing

    Spring 2021: Distributed Computing

    Yes! I’m finally registered for the distributed computing course. This course is hot off the press! It’s spanking brand new to the OMSCS program and offered for the first time this (Spring 2021) term. I’ve been eagerly waiting over two years for a course centering around distributed systems, combining both theory and practice. The course…