Category: Health

  • Stretch Journal – Monday July 01, 2024

    I’ve entered the 6th week of my stretching journey. In today’s program (12), we focused on the following muscles: calves, quadriceps, and ankles. Throughout this journey, I’m semi-regularly tracking my progress because I have this vision — a very clear image (which almost brings me to tears thinking about it) — of me moving gracefully,…

  • Burning fat with intermittent fasting? 3 weeks of monitoring body ketones

    Burning fat with intermittent fasting? 3 weeks of monitoring body ketones

    I began my intermittent fasting (i.e. time restricted eating) journey just over 3 weeks ago and since the beginning, I’ve been measuring, tracking, monitoring both my glucose and ketone body levels. Collecting these data points require pricking my fingers with a lancet and feeding small blood samples into the monitoring devices. Although the process of…

  • On developing an intuition of glucose levels

    On developing an intuition of glucose levels

    Over the last two weeks, I’ve measured my glucose levels over 150 times. Starting on July 11, I’ve pricked the tips of left-hand fingers with an annoying lancet, producing anywhere between .5 – 3.0 micro-liters of blood each about once every hour. Why? Because I introduced intermittent fasting (also known as time restricted eating) into my…