Category: Organization
Forcing oneself & Procrastination – not a problem, but a signal
My view and judgements on procrastination has shifted over the last year and I’m becoming more increasingly aware of my tendency to delay or postpone certain tasks until pressure builds up. My observation is that sometimes for certain projects or tasks I put it off until (more or less) the very last minute. One example…
Created my first YouTube playlist for House Dance Class Recap videos
Creating YouTube Playlist on my channel serves multiple purposes. First, doing so in a way for me to practice my organization skills. Second, a playlist enables me to chronologically view my dance journey. Third, playlists help viewers (subscribers and non-subscribers) paint a better picture of what dance classes in studios look and feel like. Now,…
I ran out of iPhone storage … or so I thought
In the middle of recording a video during yesterday evening’s dance class, my iPhone popped up an alert, a message notifying me that I ran out of disk space and that the current video recording was halted. After seeing the notification, I had mentally prepared myself to visit the Apple store to trade in my…
A simple solution to “Damn, I forgot to buy XYZ at the grocery store”
Ever find yourself frustrated that you forgot to pick up something from the grocery store? I cannot tell you the number of times I’ve experienced frustration when I returned home, after forgetting to pick up some item (e.g. ketchup), despite writing down the item on a sheet of paper that I ultimately forget is neatly…
Ask yourself questions when coming up with a (digital, physical, mental) organization solution
Generally speaking, I struggle with keeping things organized: files on my computer (digital), items in my house (e.g. physical), and my thoughts (i.e. mental). To help combat my organization challenges, I signed up for an online course (i.e. Waves of Focus). In that course, I learned about a tool called the poet compass , which…
Waves of Focus – POET compass
POET compass is a mnemonic that I learned about from the Waves of Focus online course and its a tool that’s designed for qualitatively assessing how well something (e.g. physical, digital) is organized. Note: I’m currently enrolled in Kourosh’s Waves of Focus program. It’s an online course focused on individuals with the wandering mind, helping…
A short review on Zettlr (open source Zettelkasten app)
I serendipitously stumbled on another Zettelkasten desktop application called Zettlr. Perusing the online forum over at, I had noticed that at least three of four members repping the app in their signatures. Naturally, I was curious so I followed the scent on the trail and loaded up the Zettlr website in my browser. After…
Tagging my personal information management (PIM) with key/value pairs as key words
Generally speaking, there two ways people store their digital assets. Some file their digital assets— PDF documents, images, videos, bookmarks and so on — into neat, hierarchical structures. In the other camp are people who leverage tagging, assigning one or more key words to their files. When retrieving assets, these people tend to leverage their…
Losing 2 hours searching for a website bookmark & Weekly Review: week ending in 2020/09/06
My weekly review that normally takes place first thing in the morning on Sundays was completely derailed this time around, all because I could find the URL to a website that I had sworn I bookmarked for my wife’s birthday present. I ended up coughing up two hours of searching: searching directly on Reddit’s website…
Remembering September 11 & Daily Review (day ending on 09/11/2020)
Yesterday was September 11. On this day, every year, Americans grieve and we are all reminded of the unforgettable day back in 2001 when the New York twin towers collapsed to the ground after being struck by the hijacked planes. I sure remember the day. I was about 12 years old at the time and…
Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/09/10
We often talk about work life balance, separating the two major parts of our lives. On some level, I agree with the philosophy, believe that work is work and life is life. But at least for me, what happens at work bleeds into my personal life, and vice versa. When I have a shitty day…
Weekly Review – Week ending in 2020/09/06
Writing I’m getting much more comfortable with publishing blog posts that are not completely polished. The fear of letting the world see less my less the perfect propose is utter non-sense. In fact, writing and publishing frequently offers two benefits. The first is that the sheer act of writing and setting words on (digital) paper…
Creating my own digital library
After reading Daniel Wessel’s post1 on creating a virtual library, I’ve decided take the leap and convert the majority of my books — classic literature will remain sitting on my book shelf — into digital form. To accomplish this, I invested in a Fujitsu ScanScan IX500. The scanner runs for about $400.00. I selected this…
I’m a messy person: it’s time for a change.
I’m pretty embarrassed of how disorganized and messy our house looks and feels. I forget the color of the bathroom tile since its hidden from view due to dirty clothes sprawled out across the entire floor. I’m afraid of raising my standing desk for fear of a monitor toppling over due a caught wire and…