Category: Personal Development

  • A No-Excuses Guide to Blogging – Excuse #5 – “I don’t want to be wrong”

    Many people (including myself) fear that we will be perceived as a fool if we publish on a post blog that contains a mistake, a public mistake. Nobody wants to be humiliated publicly. This fear is encapsulated inside of a quote that Sacha shares: “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to…

  • Waiting for one day …

    “If you want to be successful, find out what the price is and then pay it.” Scott Adams I agree with that Scott Adams wholeheartedly. I also think this rule can be more broadly applied: “If you want something — anything — find out what the price is and then pay it.” This quote reminds…

  • Almost half way through M.S. in Computer Science

    I’m almost half way through the OMSCS (online masters in computer science), last week marking the end Spring 2020, my third term in the program. And although I’m looking forward to taking compilers next semester, my mind often wanders into the distant future , my mind fast forwarding to the time in which I’ll be…

  • Tennis serve in slow motion

    Last week, with just my iPhone and a camera tripod, I recorded myself hitting tennis balls launched by the ball machine and recording myself smacking a few serves.  The idea of recording myself was inspired from several articles that I had read from To elaborate, I wanted to objectively analyze my tennis strokes —…

  • Blistered fingers

    When I first started playing ukulele, about six months ago, I would occasionally wince when lifting my fingers off of the nylon strings.  Because in the beginning, the flesh of my fingertips were fresh, no callouses. But slowly, over time, after repeatedly striking down on the strings, my fingers gave birth to a new layer…

  • Learning a new language

    I studied Spanish in high school for four years and 10 years later, I’m embarrassed that I can’t form a comprehensible or grammatically correct sentence. I traveled throughout Europe last Christmas and was impressed by the number of bilinguals. Most people fluently spoke a combination of English, French and German. My second language, Vietnamese, however,…

  • Putting your mentor on a pedestal

    Last night, I presented (deckslide here) on AWS Lambda at DevOps London Exchange. I really enjoy public speaking, but it wasn’t always that way. In fact, I used to hate it – feared it. I vividly remember an embarassing instance in high school Spanish. My classmate and I had to do a presentation. I got…