Category: Tech

  • Georgia Tech OMSCS CS6515 (Graduate Algorithms) Course Review

    Georgia Tech OMSCS CS6515 (Graduate Algorithms) Course Review

    To pass this class, you should digest everything written in Joves’s notes (he’s a TA and will release these notes gradually throughout the semester so pay close attention to his Piazza posts) join or form a study group of a handful of students dedicate at least 20+ hours per week to drill, memorize, and apply…

  • Graph theory and upcoming final exam

    I just scheduled my final exam for my discrete mathematics course, now that I submitted my homework for the final assignment covering graph theory. Throughout this assignment, I was introduced to a variety of concepts: Leonard Euler and his discovery of Euler paths and circuits, Hamiltonian paths and circuits, and a handful of graph related…

  • Data structures and algorithms in Java – Inspectional reading

    My plan on completing Data Structures and Algorithms in Java by December 31st, 2016, requires changing my reading strategy. Reading technical books cover to cover, like a novel, is rewarding but inefficient and impractical.  How about a different approach ? I’m applying active reading principles from How to read a book[1] and A mind for numbers: active reading by questioning author’s intention, indentifying questions author…