Daily Review: Day Ending in 2020/10/16

Home Maintenance

  • Watched several YouTube videos on mowing grass. I found an awesome YouTube channel called the The Lawn Care Nut. I had been searching around online on good content that will teach me how to maintain and care for my front (and back) yard.  Now, although the owner of the YouTube channel tailors most of his videos for more intermediate or advanced lawn enthusiast, he’s recorded a quite a few videos for people like me: people who know nothing about lawn care and are trying to learn how to maintain their first lawn.


  • Elliott and I walked the dogs at cedar river trails. Jess needed an extra 30 minutes of sleep so during that time, which actually turned into almost 2 hours, Elliott and I walked the dogs at cedar river trails, a trail that also has an off-leash dog park (would not recommend for playing fetch, the field practically filled with rocks and dirt)
  • Ran errands for 2 hours, driving from Renton to North Seattle. I picked up two (1/2) gallon bottles of home made Chai from Cloud City, what used to be our local cafe that I had walked to almost every day. Then I drove over to the Grateful bread, picking up Jess (3) loaves of Challah and a baker’s dozen of cinnamon raisin. Then, I ended the trip with stocking up on raw pet food from DD Meats located in Mount Lake Terrace.
  • Roamed around Ikea in Renton. Jess and I bought a couple household items while shopping at Ikea but mainly we spent time walking the show room to collect ideas for our house.