My favorite part of the day was waking up to a video that Jess recorded while I was asleep, a video capturing a little frog dancing on our window facing the backyard. My wife: she’s super cute.
- Hosted and moderated a tech panel on career growth and promotions. On behalf of Asians@ at Amazon, I lead a conversational fire side chat with four (Asian) senior software development engineers about some of the non technical barriers that our community often faces throughout our career. Not speaking up. Not advocating for one self. Everyone on the panel nailed it (despite how nervous they were) and I look forward to creating and hosting new events in the future.
- Fought off a killer headache that kicked in after I ate che (a Vietnamese dessert). My body rejects processed sugars and when I consume too much of it, my body sends me a strong signal in the form of a painful headache that lasts several hours, the only way to fight it off is to gulp down as much water as possible and flush the sugars out of my system.
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