Today I practiced my guitar for 20 minutes, a generous amount of time these days (if you are parent you’ll understand). During this practice session, I worked ear training: I looped the song The Funeral (Band of Horses) on my iPhone and played along, plucking the individuals notes in chord progression on my Traveler’s acoustic guitar.

During the practice session, I was able to nail down all the notes from the first two chords (triads) and was also able to determine that song was written in the key of G# (thanks music theory). However, I am a bit confused because the 2 of a major key, normally a minor chord, was played as a major. Is this swap of minor and major chord an example of modal mixture?
Ultimately, I was unable to play the entire chord progression by ear and ended up finding a guitar tutorial1; uploaded on YouTube. Despite that, I’m happy with the progress I’ve made over the last two years of working on my music craftsmanship.