Top 6 photos from first family photo shoot

December 17, 2019 | minutes read

Below are my top 6 photos I cherry picked from our first family photo shoot that took place a couple weeks ago.

As some of you my already know, my daughter Elliott was born recently, on October 3rd (2019). And shortly after, my wife had arranged for a professional photographer — Stephanie BC — to spend half the day in our Pacific Northwest home, scheduling the photographer on a typical, no sunshine Sunday to snap some photos and capture some moments of our growing wolf pack: once four now five (3 humans and 2 dogs).

And I must say, the images turned out nothing short of beautiful; I could not be any happier with not just the end product but the process itself. Apart from one or two photos, all the captured images are not staged, meaning we were not posing or putting on a forced smile or contorting our arms and body in some uncomfortable (but aesthetically pleasing) position. The entire shoot felt organic.

Anyways, enough of the chatter. Here are my 6 photos I hand picked from the our shoot.

Music. Such a gift. Here I am playing guitar and singing for Elliott and my wife. The song is titled “My Little Bird”, which I wrote when Elliott was just a week or two old.
This is how I spend 90% of my time with Elliott: cradling her in my arms and rocking her to sleep.
Here’s my and my first fur daughter: Metric. In her head, she weights 10 pounds still and loves to lean all her weight on those willing.
Look at this cutie staring out the window while I hold her in the foot ball position. I cannot imagine that I’ll be able to hold her like this much longer since her weight is increasing exponentially, my forearms no longer able to sustain the burn.
Yes. She’s peeing all over me. Luckily, this time, the pee only hits my shirt and my jeans. I have been tagged in the eye and mouth (who knew girls and projectile pee like boys).
Me giving Elliott what I call “Kissy kisses” (no idea how I came up with that name) while she rests on top of my wife’s folded legs.

I’m Matt Chung. I’m a software engineer, seasoned technology leader, and father currently based in Seattle and London. I love to share what I know. I write about topic developing scalable & fail-safe software running in the AWS cloud, digital organization as a mechanism for unlocking your creativity, and maximizing our full potentials with personal development habits.

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