Category: Feelings

  • 3Blue1Brown – Linear Algebra videos

    Right out the gate, I want to express my gratitude for the 3Blue1Brown YouTube channel for publishing a wonderful video series titled Essentials of Linear Algebra. After watching, and rewatching, the first four beautifully animated videos, I can say that I’ve developed a much better understanding, much more intuitive, of what I’m been learning in my linear algebra…

  • A short thank you letter to my body

    I’ve been very sick this past week … coughing phelgm, swallowing pain, and battling headaches. Two nights in a row, an uncontrollable cough prevented me from sleeping. This morning, however, I awoke without a sore throat. It goes to show you how much I take you for granted when I’m healthy. My elation at regaining…

  • Belgium terrorist attack and the media

    Belgian was this morning. I send my thoughts and prayers to those in Belgium, but I’m worried about the media’s knee jerk accusations of Muslim terrorists. At the moment, there’s no concrete evidence. But why is the live feed incessantly hinting at ISIS and Muslims? I can’t stay updated without feeling the media is inculcating…