Category: Reviews

  • 2020 year in review

    2020 year in review

    Survival First things first: I’m grateful for surviving this difficult, weird and straight-up dystopian year. 2020 was the absolute worst; although the year will permanently leave its mark in our memories, we’re all ready to leave it behind, ready to move on. Who could have, apart from maybe Bill Gates during during 2014 Ted Talk,…

  • Daily Review: Day Ending in 2020/10/18

    Daily Review: Day Ending in 2020/10/18

    Family and Friends Celebrated Elliott’s 1 year birthday. Jess and I are two weeks late but to be fair, the two of us were in the midst of moving the entire house, making it difficult to celebrate properly. And now that we moved in — but not quite fully unpacked — it’s easy to let…

  • Daily Review: Day Ending in 2020/10/15

    Daily Review: Day Ending in 2020/10/15

    Family Difficult time comforting Jess when she’s upset. It’s insane but it’s so easy for me to gently console other people (like friends or even strangers) when they are upset but I find it incredibly difficult to do the same for Jess.  The words just don’t come out. It’s difficult to put into words why…