Rainbow - Boeing creek park

Weekly Review – 2020/08/17 – 2020/08/23

  • Writing
    • Wrote and published close to a dozen blog posts over the past week, creating a new cadence of bite-sized posts instead of large pieces that sit in draft mode
    • Feeling more confident about my digital organization system, storing all my books and articles and journals consistently, naming them author_year and storing them into DevonThink
  • Graduate School
    • Finished Advanced OS refresher course (threads and file systems and memory systems — skipped over networking module) and posted notes on blog
    • Finished taking notes and watching video lectures from Lesson 1 from Advanced OS course
    • Finished pre-lab assignment on fixing up multi-threaded code (producer/consumer) written with pthread library
  • Health
    • Took 1 hour tennis lesson with Olivia (shoulders and chest sore, that’s a good thing) and most important — produced some sweat
    • Attended my weekly therapy session (mental health: check)
  • Family
    • Bathed Elliott 5 nights this week (1:1 Father and Daughter time)
    • Sang Elliott “Punching in a Dream” while she balanced herself on top guitar neck
    • Visited sister and niece and brother in-law in Renton
    • Shopped with Aunt at Viet Wah, picking up all the ingredients for cooking clay pot fished (vegetarian version)
    • Called dad for his 62nd birthday, despite us not talking for the past two months

Photos of the week

Metric the human dog sprawled out across the couch
Metric the human dog sprawled out across the couch


Little Elliott looking super cute, Mushroom in the background
Little Elliott looking super cute, Mushroom in the background


I’d like to find a way to more shave off a few minutes when copying my outline notes from OmniOutliner to WordPress. To this end, perhaps I’ll code up a little python script because right now, copying and pasting and formatting takes an unnecessary 10 minutes, time that I could’ve spent on writing or studying or something else.