2023 – Brief Life Update

I haven’t posted on this blog for almost a year. And I miss writing. A lot.

Interestingly enough, I observed that I stopped publishing my own writing when my attention and intention shifted towards growing an audience, when I had decided to “professionalize” my blog and create a funnel for business. A part of me was crippled by fear of failing, so I just stopped writing all together.

Now, I’d like to rediscover a way to write, to express creativity, and at the same time, publish writing that others will find interesting and useful.

But first, time to rebuild that writing muscle. Here are some recent life updates:

Recent life updates

Of all the updates below, I would say the most significant events are:

  • Diagnosed with adult ADHD at the age of 34 – met with (2) different psychiatrists and discovered that in addition to ADHD, I exhibit traits for other conditions
  • Started doing things for fun, like dancing – When I founded Crossbill in 2021, I more or less stopped doing all fun activities and focused all my attention and effort into growing the business.
  • Under high distress, I suggested that my wife and I take time apart – During an argument between my wife and I, I (on the surface, appearing calm) suggested that we separate and take some time apart. I had expected her to push back, to in some way, tell me the idea was non-sense. Instead, she agreed. That sent me into a spiral and I proceeded to sit on the couch and cry uncontrollably and disassociated and unable to articulate what I was feeling. This specific event altered the course of not only my relationship with my wife, but my life (grateful for the incident)
  • Enrolled and started dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) – I signed up for Greenlake Therapy Group’s Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) program and it has been … life changing, giving me tools and skills to regulate my emotions, build interpersonal skills and ultimately, build a life worth living.
  • Wife and daughter move to London – my wife (Jess) and daughter (Elliott) moved to London and we’re intentionally taking time apart while I focus (on my above) program in person, here in Seattle.