- Blogged and published an entry for my daily review
- Blogged and published an entry that shows the steps for building librty’s documentation from source code (since the manual no longer exists on the official website)
Mental and Physical Health
- Met with my therapist, who I see every week (except last week since I had to cancel the session due to being on call)
- Shared how I enjoy mentoring other people not just on technology but on the human element of our work. That’s the good stuff.
- He thinks that my preference for having an organized mind stems from survival techniques that I developed as a young child
- Practiced singing major and minor scale from memory (no instrument leading me with any tones), a skill I picked up from my guitar instructor
Graduate School
- Generated the libvrt documentation from source code
- Installed libvrt-dev, enabling me to compile the first executable binary with -lvirt flags passed to gcc
- Compiled program using example source code from documentation that I built
- Watched second part of “memory virtualization” lecture and learned that shadow pages map pages from the guest virtual operating system to machine page number
- Met with someone AWS Networking , the two of us chatting about the new feature that we are going to launch in Q1 2021
- Debugged a crash with the fuzzer (frustrating because I’m unable to reproduce the crash and neither can the Principle engineer on the team)
Friends and Family
- Bathed Elliott last night, the bath running longer than usual (30 minutes instead of 10)
- Feeling very pressured and nervous around moving to Renton, so much needed to get done to make it happen (e.g. pack all of our belongings, hire a moving company, cleaning up existing house that we rent). Need to continue taking deep breathes and chip away at each task, slowly, one by one
- Call Well’s Fargo (again) and see if they can bump the limit on my wire transfer since I want to avoid going to a Wells Fargo branch due to COVID-19
- Migrate straggling sticky notes that are sitting on desk and process them into “Writing Ideas” or “Inbox” in Omnifocus
Graduate School
- Wrap up memory virtualization series
- Write a few more lines of C code to get a better sense of how I’m going to write the scheduler (all a bit fuzzy right now). Not sure how scheduler is going to integrate with KVM and not sure what algorithms I’ll select and implement
- E-mail Asians@ so that they include my upcoming event in the newsletter
- Carry out morning routine: walk with Elliott and Jess and the dogs, blend up a delicious strawberry and blueberry and banana smoothie (thanks to Jess, who picked up the necessary ingredients from Trader Joe’s yesterday), feed the dogs their raw food
- Schedule follow up veterinarian appointments for both Metric and Mushroom
What are you grateful for?
To be in a position where I can (and have been for the last 4 years) attend therapy, thanks to my insurance covering a large portion of the bill. Everyone should be able to afford health care.

Also grateful for a delicious oatmeal breakfast (above) that Jess cooked for breakfast.
- Same as yesterday: Simultaneously excited and nervous about buying and moving into a new home