Blog posts
Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/09/08
The most interesting side effect of writing these daily reviews is that they stir up meaningful conversations with my wife. Apparently, much of what words I set on paper never make their way out of my mouth (despite thinking that I did verbally share them). Surely this situation of my brain tricking me into thinking…
Quotes from “My life story” by Veritasium
During some down time this evening, I watched the below YouTube video clip filmed and produced by Veritasium and I absolutely loved hearing about his journey, especially about how becoming a father has fundamentally changed the way he views his time. Because I’m in a similar boat: My life looks nothing like it did a…
Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/09/07
Yesterday Writing Blogged and published an entry describing my naive scheduler for project 1 Emotions I disassociated and my mind wandered into its “own world” after my wife Jess asked me to watch Elliott later that afternoon. I think part of the reason why I got so worked up had less to do with her…
Distancing oneself from a difficult problem
I fixed a silly bug just now and wrote working code that can pin multiple virtual CPUs to the physical CPUs. Identifying the bug in my code was another classic example of how I needed to distance myself from the problem. Instead of staying up late into the night (late is now 09:30 pm on…
Weekly Review – Week ending in 2020/09/06
Writing I’m getting much more comfortable with publishing blog posts that are not completely polished. The fear of letting the world see less my less the perfect propose is utter non-sense. In fact, writing and publishing frequently offers two benefits. The first is that the sheer act of writing and setting words on (digital) paper…
Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/09/04
Yesterday Writing Blogged and published an entry for my daily review Blogged and published an entry explaining the libvrt’s bit map data structures that map virtual CPUs to physical CPUs Music Noodled around on the guitar, playing chords in a minor key up the neck (need to start structuring and mixing up my practice sessions…
Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/09/03
Writing Blogged and published an entry for my daily review Blogged and published an entry on L3 Microkernel Mental and Physical Health At the park, ran around in circles while holding Elliott in my arms … that sort of counts as exercise, right? Music Nothing at all Graduate School Migrated from my Virtualbox environment to…
Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/09/02
Writing Blogged and published an entry for my daily review Blogged and published an entry that shows the steps for building librty’s documentation from source code (since the manual no longer exists on the official website) Mental and Physical Health Met with my therapist, who I see every week (except last week since I had…
Why do people fall prey to pyramid schemes?
YouTube’s recommendation engine suggested that I watch a video called “The Cult of Dan Lok”. Mind you, I never even heard of Dan Lok but my intuition lead me to believe that he runs some sort of pyramid scheme. Surprise surprise: he does. Anyways, in the video below, a student of Dan Lok describes how…
Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/09/01
Yesterday Writing Blogged and published an entry for my daily review Blogged and published an entry that snapshots my understanding before starting on project 1 of advanced operating systems: writing a scheduler and writing a memory coordinator Music E-mailed the singing instructor that I’ve been seeing for the last couple years, informing her that lately…
Syncing releases with uvt-simplestreams-libvrt
If you are executing uvt-simplestreams-libvrt you’ll need to execute the command with sudo and exercise patience (i.e. be okay with waiting 3 minutes while program runs without outputting any informational message to the standard output) No logging to standard output/error I had to exercise some patience when executing the command uvt-simplestreams-libvrt sync, the command that…
Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/08/31
Yesterday Most interesting part of yesterday was a 1 on 1 video Chime chat that my co-worker scheduled with me. What started off with me stepping through our code base (for a set of features I added to the dataplane) morphed into a lengthy discussion around mental health and burning out and the idea of…
Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/08/30
Yesterday Writing Wrote and published an article on Time Management Tip #1: Pomodoro Technique. How I use the technique and how I’ve adjusted it to fit my needs. Music Had my bi-weekly virtual guitar lesson with Jared. This was the first lesson back, after he took a 1.5 month sabbatical, a vacation he deserves and…