Category: Daily Reviews
Advanced Operating System Notes (File Systems)
Although I’ve covered file systems in previous courses, including graduate introduction of operating systems, I really enjoy learning more about this concept in a little depth. The file system’s module is packed with great material, the material introducing a high level introduction of file system and then jumps into the deep end unveils what an…
Daily Review – 2020/08/20
This post reviews yesterday, Wednesday August 19th 2020. Should I change the title to yesterday’s date or keep today’s date? Not sure, but I should probably stay consistent in my posts moving forward. Although I’m physically exhausted and tired than usual from waking up early (around 04:30 to 05:00) every day to crank out studying…
Advanced Operating Systems – Day 3 Recap
The below write up consists of notes that I took while watching Multi-Threaded programming module from the Advanced Operating system’s refresher course1. I watched this third module before the second module (on File Systems, the next lecture series I’ll watch) because I started tackling the homework assignment that has us students debug a buggy multi-threaded…
Advanced OS – Study Notes Reflection (from day 1)
I divided studying into two sessions: one in the morning (around 04:30 am) and one in the evening after work and after my daughter has gone to bed. In the morning, I completed the administrative tasks and watched lectures that cover new material and in the evening I refreshed my memory by taking the operating…