Category: Daily Reviews

  • Journal – Sunday, March 02, 2025

    I’m sick right now. Yesterday, my body continued fighting off a cold that started about 6 days ago and throughout yesterday, my body ached, my mind foggy, my chest infected with phlegm. Today my mind feels sharper but yesterday, I felt unmotivated, unable to focus and I had (negative) thoughts like “am I being lazy?”.…

  • Daily Review – November 6th, 2024

    Daily Review – November 6th, 2024

    I’m winding down for the night, in the bed with my Macbook Pro, and just before drafting up this blog post, I snapped a few photos with my DSLR to practice my photography skills. I was really looking forward to taking this 5 week photography course. I was looking forward to it and disappointed that…

  • Daily Review (Tuesday) October 15, 2024

    Daily Review (Tuesday) October 15, 2024

    Best part of my day yesterday was when Elliott handed me over a little drawing (see featured image above) that she drew with a pen and 8×11 printer paper that was folded in half. I felt joy wash over me and had asked her to what drawings on the card were: “That’s you. That’s me.…

  • October 02, 2024 – Daily Review

    October 02, 2024 – Daily Review

    Yesterday Highlights of the day Connected with some friends over phone calls Talking with friends over the phone almost always lifts my spirits. Over the years, through some tough life lessons (including divorce, burning out working at Amazon) that I no longer place all my eggs in one basket. I follow this mantra for multiple…

  • U.S. friend visiting me in London: weekend reflection

    U.S. friend visiting me in London: weekend reflection

    My Seattle based dance friend named Mateus flew in Thursday evening and stayed at my flat (goodness I’m so British now) with me until Sunday morning, when he flew back and returned to the states. These past days, I felt a lot of joy and love and gratefulness. Now, I just rode the bus with…

  • Daily Review: September 23, 2024 (Monday)

    Daily Review: September 23, 2024 (Monday)

    I’m struggling to type this out because right now, my intestines are inflamed due an irritable stomach caused by 5 trips to the toilet in the last couple hours yesterday evening. Though in severe pain, I am grateful right now that Elliott has returned to her mother’s care — Elliott alternates weekends between her mother…

  • Daily Review – September 22, 2024 (Sunday)

    Daily Review – September 22, 2024 (Sunday)

    Initially woke up at 4:00am and felt it was a bit too early so gently put myself back to sleep with a couple deep breathes. It’s now 5:18am and feel much more fresh. I have about an hour and 45 minutes (maybe less) before Elliott wakes up. As a single dad who has his daughter…

  • Daily Review – Thursday – September 19, 2024

    Like many others walking this earth, I am currently in a state of transition. The divorce (which started last November) is almost coming to an end (won’t be diving into it here since the topic itself deserves its own post) and I’m finding myself constantly asking the following two questions: As Kit Laughlin shared in…

  • Daily Review: Day ending in 2020/11/11

    Daily Review: Day ending in 2020/11/11

    The last couple days at work have taken a toll on me emotionally. To lift me up, Jess used her arts and crafts skills to make a doll — made from Metric’s shedded hair (see featured image). Family Felt myself tear up when pushing Elliott in the stroller. The two of us were having a…

  • Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/11/05

    Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/11/05

    Family Assembled our Berkey water filtering system. The instructions are quite complicated, actually. In addition to reading the manuals, I had to pull up a couple instructional YouTube videos to make sure that I was priming the filters correctly. Took Elliott on a late night walk. She had missed her nap and we needed to…

  • Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/11/04

    Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/11/04

    My favorite part of the day was waking up to a video that Jess recorded while I was asleep, a video capturing a little frog dancing on our window facing the backyard. My wife: she’s super cute. Work Hosted and moderated a tech panel on career growth and promotions. On behalf of Asians@ at Amazon,…

  • Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/11/03

    Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/11/03

    Family Jess and I felt nervous about the presidential election results while watching the news online. Despite Biden leading in the polls, just as Hilary four years ago back in 2016, I’m sitting at the edge of my seat as the results come in, not confident at all that Biden can pull off a victory.…

  • Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/11/02

    Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/11/02

    Family Elliott and I drove to Lowe’s home improvement store and picked up a new faucet. Normally, Elliott will cry after sitting in the car for more than 10 minutes but not this trip. She did amazing and the two us had a blast at Lowe’s and she helped me select our new faucet since…

  • Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/11/01

    Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/11/01

    What a weird morning. Totally forgot the the time changed, the clock moving back an hour (i.e. we gain an hour), and found myself studying and working at 03:30 AM (instead of 04:30 AM). When I first woke up and glanced at my Casio watch, I debated whether to get out of bed or not…

  • Daily Review: Day Ending in 2020/10/21

    Daily Review: Day Ending in 2020/10/21

    Work Defined a data specification (in the form of a protobuf definition) that’ll be used to help drive the conversation between us and our customer. Our customer (AWS Networking) will be vending us data but its unclear (at the moment) what data they will be providing not only to us but to other teams. So…

  • Daily Review: Day Ending in 2020/10/17

    Daily Review: Day Ending in 2020/10/17

    Family Went on a cleaning binge. Not sure why sometimes I get totally obsessed with cleaning but yesterday was one of those spurts. I had watched about a dozen YouTube videos (from Clean My Space) on cleaning tutorials, followed by vigorouly scrubbing down stove tops with baking soda and vinegar, buying cleaning supplies (e.g. micro…

  • Daily Review: Day Ending in 2020/10/16

    Daily Review: Day Ending in 2020/10/16

    Home Maintenance Watched several YouTube videos on mowing grass. I found an awesome YouTube channel called the The Lawn Care Nut. I had been searching around online on good content that will teach me how to maintain and care for my front (and back) yard.  Now, although the owner of the YouTube channel tailors most…

  • Not putting all your eggs in one basket and Daily Review: Day ending in 2020/10/14

    Not putting all your eggs in one basket and Daily Review: Day ending in 2020/10/14

    Mental Health Best Part(s) of My Day Swinging on the swings with Elliott. She was sitting on my lap, facing my direction, as swung us on the swing back and forth. The entire time she was smiling and when her cold chubby cheeks brushed up against mine, some dad love feelings ran through my body.…

  • Daily Review – Day Ending in 2020/10/13

    Daily Review – Day Ending in 2020/10/13

    Family Took Elliott shopping at Safeway while Jess took her work call. We picked up some avocados for our morning smoothies and some blackberries and blueberries (side note: why does a palm sized box of blueberries cost $6.00). While paying for our goods, our cashier awkwardly pulled down her mask for Elliott to see her…

  • Daily Review – Day Ending in 2020/10/12

    Daily Review – Day Ending in 2020/10/12

    Graduate School Wrote up my analysis on the various barrier synchronization algorithms that I implemented. I had to describe the various algorithms (e.g. dissemination barrier, tournament barrier, centralized sense reversal barrier) for the documentation that will accompany our code and experiments as part of Project 2 for advanced operating systems. Finished watching lectures on Active…

  • Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/10/11

    Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/10/11

    I’m thrilled to be “off call” in about 4.5 hours, no longer tied to my pager and no longer anxious from possibility of waking up to the sound of nasty alarm. Really, the anxiety revolves around the randomness and the unknown of being paged.  What’s also variable is the length of these engagements: sometimes the…

  • First day of moving to Renton & Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/10/01

    First day of moving to Renton & Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/10/01

    My body aches from the first day of moving houses, my body sore from all the loading and unloading of tightly packed boxes from the house and into the back of the 15″ foot U-Haul truck. Rant U-Haul at Burien employes some of the most unprofessional staff with the worst customer service. The staff were…

  • Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/09/29

    Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/09/29

    Yesterday … was exhausting. A few times throughout the day I actually felt my body shut down and I nearly fell asleep while working. Although I cumulatively got like 7.5 hours of sleep, my sleep was constantly interrupted since Elliott has been (presumably) teething and letting out these screams at 1:00 AM and 3:00AM and…

  • Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/09/28

    Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/09/28

    Questions I thought about during the day How did society overcome the Spanish Flu and how did the people during that time return back to normal? I doubt some vaccination ended the pandemic… so how did we all get over it? And how will it be the same (or different) this time around with COVID-19…