Blog posts
Weekly Review – Week ending in 2020/08/30
Writing Developed a manageable cadence of blogging a single blog post every day, most of them daily reviews or notes taken during advanced operating systems Writing the daily reviews (each entry eats up about 15 minutes of my morning) help me not only plant my two feet in the ground and settle for the day,…
My time management tip #1 – Pomodoro Technique
Since the pandemic hit the states back in February this year, I’ve been working remotely from home (such a blessing and a serious privilege). Working from home underscores the importance of time management, especially for someone like me who can either deeply fall into work mode for hours and hours (never breaking eyes away from…
Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/08/27
What’s your chief aim for today Learning that while I’m on call for my team, I very rarely hit my targets for the day (see section on “How did yesterday go”). Not only that, but I’m drained by the end of the day, little to no CPU cycles left for studying (although this window of…
Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/08/26
What’s your chief aim for today Writing Write and publish one piece on this blog Graduate School Complete typing up answers for assignment #1 Edit answers for pre-lab assignment Watch and take notes on second module in advanced operating systems (Lesson 2) Organization Review Inbox items sitting in OmniFocus Quickly glance over project Work Continue…
Daily Review – 2020/08/26
What’s your chief aim for today Write and publish one piece on this blog Review Inbox and Important projects sitting in OmniFocus (this was a miss yesterday) Put in 1 hour study session before and after work for advanced operating systems (seems unlikely since I woke up at 05:00 instead of 04:30 and made the…
Daily Review – 2020/08/25
What’s your chief aim for today Recover from waking up from 03:00 AM from being woken up from operational issue Write and publish one piece on this blog Review Inbox and Important projects sitting in OmniFocus Put in 1 hour study session before and after work for advanced operating systems Chip away at writing one-pager…
Word of the day “Notwithstanding”
Today’s word of the day is “Notwithstanding”. Definition – preposition – in spite of Example Sentences notwithstanding the evidence, the consensus is that the jury will not reach a verdict1 Notwithstanding his nervousness, the young man looked his interviewer directly in the eyes as he answered the questions2 His nervousness notwithstanding , the…
Fear is a Guide
While driving to my tennis lesson, I listened to Jared’s (my guitar instructor) video on “Fear is a Guide” and I must say that I love the new direction he is taking on his YouTube channel. He was previously focusing on delivering guitar lessons. Now, he’s honing on what is important to him including song…
Weekly Review – 2020/08/17 – 2020/08/23
Writing Wrote and published close to a dozen blog posts over the past week, creating a new cadence of bite-sized posts instead of large pieces that sit in draft mode Feeling more confident about my digital organization system, storing all my books and articles and journals consistently, naming them author_year and storing them into DevonThink…
Little Elliott has found her voice
[fvplayer id=”1″] Just a short little video milestone of Elliott finding her voice, which sounds raspier than usual since I think she may have overdone it yesterday, making this “ah ah ah” noise for 14 hours.
My First Research Paper: COVID19 and the impact on higher education
Abstract—This research paper explores the impact of the COVID-19 health crisis on the education sector by unpacking the challenges and successes of the forced migration of professors and their curricula onto online learning platforms. Quantitative research was conducted in the form of a domestically focused survey to determine the success of those teaching models and…