Blog posts
Daily Review: Day Ending in 2020/10/21
Work Defined a data specification (in the form of a protobuf definition) that’ll be used to help drive the conversation between us and our customer. Our customer (AWS Networking) will be vending us data but its unclear (at the moment) what data they will be providing not only to us but to other teams. So…
Distributed Systems – Active Networks (notes)
Introduction Summary How do quickly and reliably route data Routing on the Internet Summary Key Words: active network The idea is that instead of each router performing a simple next hop look up, let’s make the routers smart and inject code in the packet that can influence the flow. How can we do this securely…
How to clean your cleaning tools (notes)
How do you take care of the tools that you use for cleaning? This is a question I’ve been curious about over the last couple days since currently going through a cleaning phase. To up my cleaning skills, I’ve been searching online for tutorials and discovered an amazing YouTube channel called Clean My Space that…
Daily Review: Day Ending in 2020/10/17
Family Went on a cleaning binge. Not sure why sometimes I get totally obsessed with cleaning but yesterday was one of those spurts. I had watched about a dozen YouTube videos (from Clean My Space) on cleaning tutorials, followed by vigorouly scrubbing down stove tops with baking soda and vinegar, buying cleaning supplies (e.g. micro…
Daily Review: Day Ending in 2020/10/16
Home Maintenance Watched several YouTube videos on mowing grass. I found an awesome YouTube channel called the The Lawn Care Nut. I had been searching around online on good content that will teach me how to maintain and care for my front (and back) yard. Now, although the owner of the YouTube channel tailors most…
Daily Review – Day Ending in 2020/10/13
Family Took Elliott shopping at Safeway while Jess took her work call. We picked up some avocados for our morning smoothies and some blackberries and blueberries (side note: why does a palm sized box of blueberries cost $6.00). While paying for our goods, our cashier awkwardly pulled down her mask for Elliott to see her…
Daily Review – Day Ending in 2020/10/12
Graduate School Wrote up my analysis on the various barrier synchronization algorithms that I implemented. I had to describe the various algorithms (e.g. dissemination barrier, tournament barrier, centralized sense reversal barrier) for the documentation that will accompany our code and experiments as part of Project 2 for advanced operating systems. Finished watching lectures on Active…
Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/10/11
I’m thrilled to be “off call” in about 4.5 hours, no longer tied to my pager and no longer anxious from possibility of waking up to the sound of nasty alarm. Really, the anxiety revolves around the randomness and the unknown of being paged. What’s also variable is the length of these engagements: sometimes the…
Weekly Review – Week ending in 2020/10/11
I’m shattered. This past week really broke me, the numerous 3:30 AM wake ups and the long operational issues running until 09:30 PM (past the time I’d like to be asleep). To recover from this taxing work week, I’m taking next Thursday and Friday off. Despite the rough week, I’m relieved that my wife and…
Don’t break the (writing) chain … has been broken
This week, my cumulative “write every day” streak has been broken (almost 2 months of consistent writing every day), thanks to one of the roughest weeks at work. I normally start every day off with some light blogging — even if its for 5 or 10 minutes — but almost every day this week I…
Super long day & Having good co-workers
In yesterday’s post, I had mentioned that I was paged out of bed at around 03:30 AM because of an operational issue. And for the rest of the day, my mind was fried and I practically looked like a zombie the rest of the day, my word constantly slurred. On top of all that, a…
Being paged out of bed at 3 AM …
Sadly I didn’t get to start the day off with writing, my morning routine, since my phone paged me out of bed at 3 AM due to an operational issue from work that lasted about about three hours. Because of this, I know that I’ll feel “off” the rest of the day given that I’ve…
What does “invariant partial ordering” mean in Leslie Lamport’s “Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System”
In the conclusion of Time, Clocks, and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System, Leslie Lamport states that: the concept of “happening before” defines an invariant partial ordering of the events in a distributed multiprocess system. According to a stackoverflow post, Jacob Baskin states that an invariant is a property of the program state…
Farmhouse style doors – sliding door ideas for my home office
Below are a couple photos of farm house doors that I think have good taste. I’m thinking of adding one of these type of doors to my new home office and wanted to share a couple of styles that I thought were both warm and aesthetically pleasing, two qualities I’m aiming to bring out of…