Blog posts
Weekly Review & Week ending in 2020/10/03
This weekly review is the first one that I’m typing from my home office in our new Renton house. And being in this new house feels good, feels great. I feel extremely blessed and luckily. And although I do know that Jess and I and Elliott and the dogs could live contently even if the…
What’s the point of the parity flag in the dissemination barrier?
I’m implementating the dissemination barrier (above) in C for my advanced OS course and I’m not quite sure I understand the pseudo code itself. In particular, I don’t get the point of the parity flag …. what’s the point of it? What problem does it solve? Isn’t the localsense variable sufficient to detect whether or…
First day of moving to Renton & Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/10/01
My body aches from the first day of moving houses, my body sore from all the loading and unloading of tightly packed boxes from the house and into the back of the 15″ foot U-Haul truck. Rant U-Haul at Burien employes some of the most unprofessional staff with the worst customer service. The staff were…
Learning how to build a personal brand (two books I picked up)
I want to learn how to better market myself and what it means to create my own personal brand and how I might be able to apply these marketing skills in my career (as a software developer and computer scientist) and as a writer. Because I do wonder what sort of impact and influence I…
Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/09/29
Yesterday … was exhausting. A few times throughout the day I actually felt my body shut down and I nearly fell asleep while working. Although I cumulatively got like 7.5 hours of sleep, my sleep was constantly interrupted since Elliott has been (presumably) teething and letting out these screams at 1:00 AM and 3:00AM and…
Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/09/28
Questions I thought about during the day How did society overcome the Spanish Flu and how did the people during that time return back to normal? I doubt some vaccination ended the pandemic… so how did we all get over it? And how will it be the same (or different) this time around with COVID-19…
Weekly Review: week ending in 2020/09/27
This past week, I skipped writing my daily reviews for two days in a row because I was really pressed for time. On the days that I skipped, I immediately started studying for the midterm exam as soon as I woke up. Looking back, I regret not writing anything down. Because I’ve already forgotten the…
Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/09/24
Today I’m posting a super short daily review given that the midterm (for advanced operating systems) opens up in about 13 hours. Writing Published on drifting apart (as part of my daily review) Published my first set of guesses to the mid term questions Parenting and family matters Held Elliott in my arms while we…
On building online learning communities & Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/09/23
Thanks to my wife for encouraging me to pull the trigger and start my online study group (i.e. the “war room”) for my advanced operating systems course. Basically, the idea came about after chatting with a class mate of mine and during our video call, I realized how many of us are basically studying alone…
On drifting apart & Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/09/22
Before stepping into parenthood, my wife and I would often read about other couples scheduling time for being “intimate” (aka sex), time alone just for the two parents. Without this deliberate effort, parents can fall into the trap of focusing 100% of their time on raising their children and forgetting what its like to be…
Being present in the moment & Daily Review – Day ending in 2020/09/21
Being fully present as a parent all the time seems like an impossible feat. Although I’d like to think that I’m always present with my daughter, I do find myself sometimes mentally checking out. For example, yesterday, Jess had reminded me during lunch I should be in the here and now instead of scrolling on…