Blog posts
Stop using keywords (or tags) like an archivist. Think like a writer
As part of your digital organization journey, you’re likely using a combination of two strategies to organize your digital database: Using folders/directories for imposing structure and creating well-defined categories Leveraging keywords to overcome the constraints of either-or categories. While choosing keywords may seem simple at first, it’s a skill that develops overtime and improves with…
Burning fat with intermittent fasting? 3 weeks of monitoring body ketones
I began my intermittent fasting (i.e. time restricted eating) journey just over 3 weeks ago and since the beginning, I’ve been measuring, tracking, monitoring both my glucose and ketone body levels. Collecting these data points require pricking my fingers with a lancet and feeding small blood samples into the monitoring devices. Although the process of…
On developing an intuition of glucose levels
Over the last two weeks, I’ve measured my glucose levels over 150 times. Starting on July 11, I’ve pricked the tips of left-hand fingers with an annoying lancet, producing anywhere between .5 – 3.0 micro-liters of blood each about once every hour. Why? Because I introduced intermittent fasting (also known as time restricted eating) into my…
Hello again
Feels like forever since I last posted on my blog. Looking back at my post history, it’s been close to 5 months. Time flies. In the last half year, nothing and everything has changed. Since my last post, I’ve launched my own company: Crossbill. It’s a software consulting company and boy, am I learning a…
Georgia Tech OMSCS CS6515 (Graduate Algorithms) Course Review
To pass this class, you should digest everything written in Joves’s notes (he’s a TA and will release these notes gradually throughout the semester so pay close attention to his Piazza posts) join or form a study group of a handful of students dedicate at least 20+ hours per week to drill, memorize, and apply…
Leaps of faiths
Today marks my last day at Amazon Web Services. The last 5 years have flown by. Typically, when I share the news with my colleagues or friends or family, their response is almost always “Where are you heading next?”. Having a job lined up is the logical, rational and responsible thing to do before making…
“Is my service up and running?” Canaries to the rescue
You launched your service and rapidly onboarding customers. You’re moving fast, repeatedly deploying one new feature after another. But with the uptick in releases, bugs are creeping in and you’re finding yourself having to troubleshoot, rollback, squash bugs, and then redeploy changes. Moving fast but breaking things. What can you do to quickly detect issues…
3 project management tips for the Well-Rounded Software Developer
This is the second in the series of The Well Rounded Developer. See previous post “Network Troubleshooting for the Well-Rounded Developer” Whether you are a solo developer working directly with your clients, or a software engineer part of a larger team that’s delivering a large feature or service, you need to do more than just…
Why all developers should learn how to perform basic network troubleshooting
Regardless of whether you work on the front-end or back-end, I think all developers should gain some proficiency in network troubleshooting. This is especially true if you find yourself gravitating towards lower level systems programming. The ability to troubleshoot the network and systems separates good developers from great developers. Great developers understand not just code…
Why all developers should learn how to perform basic network troubleshooting
(Also published on and Regardless of whether you work on the front-end or back-end, I think all developers should gain some proficiency in network troubleshooting. This is especially true if you find yourself gravitating towards lower level systems programming. The ability to troubleshoot the network and systems separates good developers from great developers.…
Building an audience: A lesson from the younger me
When it comes to building an audience as a solo-entrepreneur, the younger me was much smarter, much more in tuned with himself. These days, I operate 95% of my life from the left side of my brain, analyzing and taking a data driven, logical approach. While necessary in many respects, I need to make more…
My introduction in the Piazza forum for Graduate Algorithms (GA)
At the beginning of every semester, each student is encouraged to post on the forum (i.e. Piazza), introducing themselves and answering the following questions: What is your name? Where do you live? Why take Graduate Algorithms? What do you hope to learn? What other OMS courses have you taken? What is something interesting about you?…
Distributed Computing @ OMSCS over – what a ride!
Last semester, I decided to enroll in the brand spanking new Georgia Tech’s Distributed Computing course offered for the first time (as part of OMSCS) this past Spring 2021. What a ride! Learned a ton, including Lamport’s Logical Clocks, the FLP theorem, and the notorious PAXOS for consensus. Hats off to Professor Ada and the…
Distributed Computing CS7210 Distributed Computing – A course review
Distributed Computing was offered in the OMSCS program for the first time this past semester (i.e. Spring 2021) and when the course opened up for registration, a storm of newly admitted and seasoned students signed themselves up — me included. I was fully aware that I was walking into unknown territory, a bleeding edge course,…
Front-yard overseeding journey
Our front yard needs work. About 3 weeks ago, I made my first attempt at overseeding and although a couple seeds germinated, the lawn was left with lots of bare spots. So I’m taking a second stab. This time around though, I’m not just going to simply chuck seeds on top of the grass. Instead,…
Distributed Computing – Goodbye and thanks for the wonderful semester
I just finished Spring 2021 at Georgia Tech OMSCS and published a farewell note on the classroom’s forum (i.e. Piazza platform) and would like to share that here: This was one hell of a semester! Hats off to professor Ada and our great TAs — I learned a great deal about both theoretical and practical…
My first lawn seeds germinating!
After watching dozens of YouTube videos on lawn care, I decided about two weeks ago to overseed the front lawn and water the grass twice a day (I really used to think that the earth would just magically nourish our yard). And up until this morning, I wasn’t entirely sure if all my effort was…
iperf3 3 and TCP maximum segment size (MSS)
The above diagram I diagrammed illustrates the impact to a network packet when setting the maximum segment size in iperf3. With an MSS of 1436, the segment (i.e. TCP payload) ends up 1424, due to the overhead of the 12 byte TCP options.
Got the COVID-19 Pfizer vaccination
What did we do? Jess and I received our first dose of the Pfizer vaccination, our second dose scheduled for 3 weeks from now. We were able to get the vaccination since Jess had heard, through a mom’s group she’s part of, that breastfeeding mothers (along with their partners) were eligible through a Kaiser clinic.…
PAXOS made moderately complex – slots
In the paper “PAXOS made moderately complex”, the authors introduce unfamiliar concepts not mentioned in the original PAXOS paper, concepts such as slots, slot in, slot out, and WINDOW. I found these concepts difficult to understand despite reading both the accompanying pseudo code as well as their Python implementation. This post aims to shed light…
PAXOS – I’m coming for you!
I’m now half way through Distributed Computing course at Georgia Tech and us students are now tackling the penultimate project: building a replicated state machine using PAXOS. This project will be challenging (probably going to require 40+ hours) and it’ll put my theoretical knowledge to the test and reflect back, in a couple weeks, how…
Understanding linearizability
I’m preparing for my Distributing Systems midterm and I was struggling to understand the differences between serializability and linearizability (why are these two words so difficult to spell right). Apparently, these two concepts are very different. To gain some clarity, I searched online and found this awesome YouTube video posted by Martin Kleppmann ; in…
Speaking up for others
Ever since I was little boy, if any of my friends were bullied or picked on, and I noticed they couldn’t defend themselves, I would speak up on their behalf. Speaking up for others has always come naturally for me and it’s habit that I still flex even as an adult. However, these days, I’m…
Distributed system snapshots: consistent vs inconsistent cuts
In “Consistent Global States of Distributed Systems: Fundamental Concepts and Mechanisms”, the authors propose capturing a distributed system’s computation using a time series graph. Each row in the graph represents a process (e.g. P1, P2, P3), and each tick (e.g. e1, e2) within that row represent a an event: a local event, a send message…